The ten-day long Ganesh Chaturthi culminates on September 9, Friday, and devotees bid goodbye to Lord Ganesha on Anant Chaturdashi. People visit famous Ganpati pandals and temples to pray to Ganpati Bappa during Ganeshotsav. The most iconic Ganesha pandal in Mumbai is Lalbaugcha Raja that is known to have one of the largest celebrations during Vinayaka Chaturthi. The Lalbaugcha Raja Sarvajanik Ganeshotsav Mandal has arranged for the live Mukh darshan of the famous Ganpati idol. Devotees can sit at home and watch the live streaming of morning aarti from Lalbaugcha Raja. The morning aarti begins from 4:00 am, followed by other festivities of the day. Below, get Lalbaugcha Raja 2022 LIVE Mukh darshan and online telecast details on Day 10 of Ganeshotsav. Lalbaugcha Raja 2022 Darshan: 8 Things To Know About Lalbaugcha Raja Sarvajanik Ganeshotsav Mandal for Ganesh Chaturthi Celebrations

Lalbaugcha Raja 2022 Mukh Darshan Live Telecast

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