After slaying at the 95th Academy Awards’ red carpet, Deepika Padukone has once again made heads turn with her edgy look for the 2023 Vanity Fair Oscars After-Party. The Bollywood actress, who was one of the celebrity presenters at the Oscars this year, stunned in a fuchsia fur dress with elbow-length black gloves, matching belt, black mesh stockings and pair of stilettos. Deepika completed her look with chic makeup, top knot messy bun and classic diamond earrings. Oscars 2023: Deepika Padukone Stuns with Retro Hollywood Glamour in Black Off-Shoulder Gown with Gloves and Statement Necklace on Red Carpet (View Pics and Video).
Deepika Padukone At Vanity Fair Oscars Party 2023
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