Ranveer Singh recently walked the runway at the historic Namo Ghat in Varanasi, lending his signature charisma to the event while collaborating with renowned fashion designer Manish Malhotra in a touching tribute to heritage. He effortlessly exuded charm and elegance in a meticulously crafted Banarasi ensemble by the designer. For the show, Ranveer wore a striking metallic and dark wine-hued sherwani featuring intricate brocade work, elegantly paired with a black and gold shawl. Accentuating his ensemble, the actor opted for brown shoes. His neatly trimmed beard and slick back hairstyle added the final touches to his impeccably sharp and dapper appearance. Ranveer Singh Dazzles in Ebony Black Sherwani and Trouser, Actor Poses in Style As He Shares Photos on Insta!.
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