Rani Mukerji has one of the most unique styles in Bollywood. The actor looks absolutely gorgeous in a beige and golden silk saree tied in Bangla style in her latest pictures. Rani accessorised the look with traditional red, white and golden bangles, a diamond nose stud, rings, a golden neck chain with a pendant along with mangalsutra and statement earrings. The Bunty Aur Babli actress left her tresses open and opted for a glam makeup look with nude lipstick shade, contoured cheeks, tinted eyeshadow, kohled eyes, mascara-laden lashes and on-fleek brows. Rani Mukerji serves major ethnic style goals in her latest pictures. Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan Wedding Anniversary: Fashionable Looks of the Star Couple As They Celebrate 32 Years of Togetherness (See Pics).
Here's Rani Mukerji's Style:
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