Karisma Kapoor has shared some stunning pictures of her on social media from her recent visit to the Taj Mahal in Agra, Uttar Pradesh. The Bollywood actress took to her Instagram handle to share photos of her from the trip. Karisma is seen in a breezy white kurta paired with matching pants. She opted for a relaxed open-hair look and subtle makeup with blushed cheeks and pink lipstick shade. She styled the look with black shades, oxidised jhumkis, a wristwatch, layered bracelets and white kolhapuri flats. Navratri 2023 Day 2 falls on Monday, October 16 and the Dwitiya Brahmacharini Puja colour for the year is white. Karisma Kapoor's white kurta set serves major fashion inspiration for Navratri Day 2. Navratri 2023 Colours With Date: Get List of 9 Colors To Wear on Each Day of Sharad Navratri Festival in October.
Here's Karisma Kapoor's Style:
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