Deepika Padukone has shared some utterly gorgeous pictures of her on social media. The Piku actor took to her Instagram handle to share photos of her in an exquisite white frill saree paired with a backless blouse. The Bollywood actor looks absolutely stunning in her latest Instagram post. The mirror-work design of the halterneck backless blouse added a glam quotient to her look. She styled her hair in her oh-so-popular clean bun. The versatile actor accessorised the look with beautiful drop earrings adorned with green emeralds. Deepika Padukone serves major fashion goals with darkened eyebrows, mascara-coated lashes, bright red lipstick, nude eye shadow and highlighted makeup look. "In the game of clothes, a saree will always win [sic]," the actor wrote in the caption of her stunning Instagram post. Deepika Padukone Joins the Barbie Core Trend in Pink Top and Shorts, Project K Actress Looks Super Chic! (View Pics).
Check Deepika Padukone's Instagram Post Here:
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