Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah actress Deepti Sadhwani is making her debut at the Cannes Film Festival 2024. The actress took to social media to share a string of pictures from the film festival. For the opening ceremony, the actress rocked a vibrant orange gown. The strapless gown, featured sequinned detailing, a corseted top and thigh-high slit for that added glam factor. She took things up a notch higher by accessorising with heels, dangling diamond earrings and rings. But that’s not all! She made a style statement by wearing the longest trail. She completed the look with warm brown and orange makeup. Her hair, tied into a chic bun, finishes the look with finesse. Urvashi Rautela's Cannes 2024 First Look Will Instantly Remind You of Deepika Padukone's Iconic Hot Pink Gown Moment From Cannes 2018! Check Out the Pics.

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