Bhumi Pednekar has shared some gorgeous pictures of her on social media. The Dum Laga Ke Haisha actor took to her Instagram handle to share photos of her in a uniquely draped white saree with thigh-high slit and pearl detailing. Bhumi looks absolutely beautiful in the sleeveless blouse with pearl straps. She styled her sleek hair in a bun and opted for a glam makeup look with highlighted cheeks, nude lipstick shade, winged eyeliner, mascara-laden lashes and shimmery eye shadow. She accessorised the look with a broad-beaded choker necklace"Neeche Ishq Hai, Oopar Rab Hai, Inn Dono Ke Beech Main Sab Hai [sic]," Bhumi Pednekar added in the caption of the Instagram post. Nushrratt Bharuccha Looks Glamorous in Sleeveless White Corset Dress With Thigh-High Slit (View Pics).

Here's Bhumi Pednekar's Style:


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A post shared by Bhumi Pednekar (@bhumipednekar)

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