In a tragic incident near Peddamuddunoor Village in Nagarkurnool, Telangana, a speeding Dzire car lost control and veered onto the wrong side of the road, striking a woman who was walking along the roadside. The impact of the collision caused the car to flip three times. The woman, tragically, lost her life in the accident, while the driver sustained injuries. The incident was captured by CCTV, showing the alarming speed at which the vehicle was travelling before the crash. Authorities are investigating the incident and have urged the public to exercise caution while driving to prevent such accidents. Telangana Road Accident: 4 Dead, 10 Injured As Truck Runs Over Vegetable Vendors at Aluru Gate on Chevalla-Bijapur National Highway (See Pics and Videos).
Speeding Car Loses Control, Hits Woman Walking on Road (Disturbing Video)
Scary #CCTV, a #Speeding Dzire car lost control, on wrong side, hits a woman, who was walking on the road side and flipped three times near