In a shocking incident, the Indian National Lok Dal's Haryana unit President Nafe Singh Rathee was shot dead in an attack by unidentified assailants in Bahadurgarh of Jhajjar's district on Sunday, February 25. A disturbing video of the shooting has come to the fore, showing multiple bullet holes on the car with Rathee's body inside it. Responding to the incident, Haryana Home Minister Anil Vij said that he has spoken to police and ordered an immediate investigation into the matter. "STF has also swung into action. I am confident that Haryana police will thoroughly investigate the matter", he further added. Nafe Singh Rathee Shot Dead in Haryana: INLD’s State Unit Chief Gunned Down in Jhajjar; Disturbing Video Surfaces.
Anil Vij Responds To Nafe Singh Rathee's Murder:
#WATCH | Ambala: On Haryana INLD chief Nafe Singh Rathee shot dead, Haryana Home Minister Anil Vij says, "...I have asked the officials to take immediate action in this matter. STF has also swung into action...The incident is being investigated."
— ANI (@ANI) February 25, 2024
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