In an unfortunate incident that took place in Maharashtra, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MLA Laxman Jagtap passed away at age of 59. As per reports, the BJP MLA breathed his last in a hospital today morning. He died due to prolonged illness. Jagtap, who was an MLA from Chinchwad Constituency in Pune was ill for several days with his health deteriorating rapidly. As per reports, Jagtap was admitted to a private hospital for treatment. The news of Jagtap's death was shared by NCP leader Rohit Pawar. In his post Pawar said, "The news of my colleague MLA Laxman Jagtap ji passing away after a long illness is very sad. My heartfelt tribute to him!." Mukta Tilak Dies: BJP MLA and Lokmanya Tilak's Kin Passes Away at 57 Following Prolonged Battle With Cancer.

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