Ravi Kishan's wife, Preeti Shukla, filed an FIR against Aparna Thakur from Lucknow, who claimed to be the actor-politician's second wife. Aparna Thakur had earlier said that she met Ravi Kishan in 1995, got married a year later, and even had a daughter named Shenova with her. Now, in the latest update, actor Kamaal R Khan has addressed his thoughts on the ongoing chaos surrounding Ravi Kishan's personal life. Taking to his Instagram handle on Thursday, April 18, he shared some pictures of the BJP MP with Aparna Thakur and their alleged kid Shenova. Sharing the pictures, Khan wrote, "She is @shinnova_ daughter of Bhojpuri Actor Ravi kishan. Now He doesn’t want to accept her. It’s so very bad.". Ravi Kishan and his family are yet to react to these photos shared by Kamaal R Khan. Women Alleges To Be Ravi Kishan’s Daughter in Viral Video, Appeals UP CM Yogi Adityanath ‘Main Aapko Apna Sach Batana Chahti Hoon’ (Watch Video).

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