A viral video circulating on social media shows an interview with Avadh Ojha, a newly-inducted member of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and prominent UPSC educator, being interrupted by party workers at their Delhi office on Thursday. The interview, conducted by BBC News Hindi reporter Anshul Singh, was abruptly halted just moments after a question was raised about Ojha’s past praise for BJP and Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, both of whom are political rivals of AAP. Ojha, who transitioned from teaching UPSC aspirants in Delhi to hosting popular YouTube coaching sessions, recently joined AAP ahead of the Delhi elections. His political move followed speculation that he had sought Lok Sabha tickets from both the BJP and Congress, only to be denied by both parties. Avadh Ojha Joins AAP: Arvind Kejriwal Vows Education Revolution As UPSC Coach Joins Aam Aadmi Party (See Pic and Videos).
‘Bola tha Na Ulta-Seedha Sawal Nahi Karne’
ये तो सरासर गुंडई है… बीच में इस तरह इंटरव्यू रोकना बिलकुल ग़लत है. आम आदमी पार्टी ने ऐसा कर ख़ुद की फ़ज़ीहत कराई है. pic.twitter.com/hPgQrWrwaP
— Priya singh (@priyarajputlive) December 5, 2024
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