Praneeth Hanumantu, a popular YouTuber and content creator, was arrested by Telangana’s Cyber Security Bureau in Bengaluru on Wednesday. The arrest followed allegations of making sexually coloured remarks on a reel featuring a man and a child posing as father and daughter. Praneeth, who is the son of IAS officer H Arun Kumar, Special Commissioner of Agriculture in Andhra Pradesh, was booked by the Telangana police for his comments. Earlier this week, Praneeth and his friends, known by their pseudonyms Burra Yuvaraju, Adi, and Dallas Nageshwar Rao, conducted a live stream on Praneeth’s YouTube channel, Phanumantu, which boasts nearly 182,000 subscribers. During the stream, they reacted to the reel and made inappropriate comments about the father-daughter relationship, sparking widespread outrage online. The controversial video has since been made private. Felix Gerald Arrested: Tamil Nadu Police Apprehends RedPix 24x7 YouTube Channel Editor, Accused of Making Derogatory Statement Against Women Police Officers, From Noida.
YouTuber Praneeth Hanumantu Arrested
Controversial YouTuber Arrested Following Complaint by Actor Sai Dharam Tej
YouTuber Praneeth Hanumanthu was arrested by the Telangana Cyber Security Bureau (TG-CSB) in Bengaluru, four days after actor Sai Dharam Tej filed a complaint against him and several others for making…
— Sudhakar Udumula (@sudhakarudumula) July 11, 2024
YouTuber Praneeth Hanumantu Arrested After 'Vulgar' Comments on Reel Featuring Minor Girl
Telangana police file case against YouTuber Praneeth Hanumantu for making inappropriate comments about children. Here's more #telanganapolice #PraneethHanumanthu #FIR #Telangana
— Pop Up Media India (@PopUpMediaIndia) July 8, 2024
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