On Saturday, Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath visited the historic Vidur temple to offer prayers. While returning from the temple, Yogi Adityanth's car had a breakdown due to which the BJP leader had to get down. According to reports, the officers in charge of Yogi Adityanath's security had a tough time. They immediately arranged a car for the UP CM. A video of the incident has now gone viral on social media. In the video, the officers can be seen escorting the UP CM in another vehicle after his car breaks down.
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#Bijnor: ऐतिहासिक विदुर मंदिर दर्शन करने के बाद लौट रहे थे सीएम योगी, बीच रास्ते में खराब हो गई गाड़ी। इसके बाद अधिकारियों के हाथ पैर फूल गए और उन्होंने सीएम को दूसरी गाड़ी में बैठाकर रवाना किया।#YogiAdityanath #CMYogi pic.twitter.com/vJ3UJp8MiT
— UP Tak (@UPTakOfficial) September 4, 2022
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