During an opposition demonstration at parliament on Tuesday, December 19, a Trinamool MP mimicked Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar, eliciting laughs from other participants while several, including Rahul Gandhi, recorded the incident with their smartphones. On a day when 49 MPs were suspended, what started out as lighthearted entertainment quickly spiralled out of control when Vice President Dhankhar, the head of the Rajya Sabha, called the spoof "shameful and unacceptable." Meanwhile, the Jat Association has now acknowledged the incident. The association wrote in a recent tweet, “Vice President and the pride of the Jat community, Jagdeep Dhankhar has been mocked. The Jat community will definitely take account of this mockery in the coming Lok Sabha elections.” Kalyan Banerjee Mimics Jagdeep Dhankhar: Rajya Sabha Chairman Says ‘Act of Some Leaders Was Shame to Me’ (Watch Video).
Jat Association on Kalyan Banerjee Mimicking Incident
कोंग्रेसी तत्वों द्वारा ॥
देश के उपराष्ट्रपति ॥ और जाट समाज के गौरव ॥
जगदीप दनख़ड साहब की खिल्ली उड़ाईं गई है ॥
इस खिल्ली का हिसाब जाट समाज आने वाले लोकसभा चुनावों में ज़रूर लेगा ॥
धन्यवाद ॥
सूचना जाट हित में जारी ॥
— THE JAT ASSOCIATION (@Jatassociation) December 19, 2023
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