A WhatsApp group admin was detained in Bhadohi after a group member allegedly posted ‘derogatory’ remarks on Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. According to the police, the comment came to the fore after it went viral on social media. Police have launched a manhunt for another accused Muslim Ansari, who has been named as the suspect who shared the statement on the WhatsApp group and is currently on the run. Further, an FIR under relevant sections of IPC and the IT Act has reportedly been registered against him based on the complaint of a Twitter user. Hard Kaur Faces FIR For Comments Against UP CM Yogi Adityanath and RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat.
WhatsApp Group Admin Arrested After Member Shares 'Derogatory' Post Against CM Yogi
Police claims efforts are being made to arrest Muslim Ansari who had posted the message in the group. An FIR under relevant sections of IPC and IT Act was registered based on the complaint of a Twitter user. pic.twitter.com/AdJkyS4DyI
— Piyush Rai (@Benarasiyaa) August 7, 2023
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