On Thursday, January 11, a mob thrashed three sadhus from Uttar Pradesh who were travelling to West Bengal to attend the Gangasagar Mela. This led to the arrest of twelve persons. The incident took place in the Purulia region of the state when it was allegedly thought that the sadhus were kidnappers. After a video of the seers being assaulted by a mob went viral on social media, the Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) lashed out at the ruling Trinamool Congress in West Bengal. Meanwhile, BJP MP Jyotirmay Singh Mahato also met the victims on Saturday, January 13. Palghar Sadhus Lynching Case: CBI To Probe Incident; Truth Should Come Out, Says Narayan Rane.

Jyotirmay Singh Mahato Meet Sadhus Assaulted by Mob in Purulia

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