Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami ordered to raze down the Vanatara Resort in Rishikesh, which is owned by the murder accused Pulkit Arya. On Friday, Arya and two employees of the resort were arrested for allegedly killing Ankita Bhandari, a 19-year-receptionist. Uttarakhand Special Principal Secretary to the CM Abhinav Kumar on Friday said that the Pulkit Arya-owned resort demolition is underway, ANI reported.

Watch Video:

#WATCH | Uttarakhand: Demolition underway on orders of CM PS Dhami, at the Vanatara Resort in Rishikesh owned by Pulkit Arya who allegedly murdered Ankita Bhandari: Abhinav Kumar, Special Principal Secretary to the CM

(Earlier visuals)

— ANI (@ANI) September 24, 2022

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