In the latest twist in Maharashtra political drama, Shiv Sena MLA Nitin Deshmukh on Wednesday returned to Nagpur and is on his way to Akola, his hometown. While addressing the media, Deshmukh said that he escaped from the rebel Eknath Shinde camp and claimed that he was forcefully taken away. "100-150 Policemen took me to a hospital & pretended as I've suffered an attack. They wanted to operate on me, harm me under that pretext. By God's grace, I'm alright. I am with Uddhav Thackeray," Deshmukh added.
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#WATCH | Shiv Sena MLA Nitin Deshmukh - who returned to Nagpur from Surat - says, "...100-150 Policemen took me to a hospital & pretended as I've suffered an attack. They wanted to operate on me, harm me under that pretext. By God's grace, I'm alright. I am with Uddhav Thackeray"
— ANI (@ANI) June 22, 2022
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