Himachal Pradesh Congress Chief Pratibha Singh’s Supporters on Friday blocked Chhattisgarh CM Bhupesh Baghel's carcade in Shimla. The Congress Chief's supporters had gathered outside Oberoi Cecil hotel in Shimla. They were showcasing their support to State Congress Chief Pratibha Singh. In the video it can be seen that, Chhattisgarh CM Bhupesh Baghel's convoy was passing at the same time, which the supporters stopped and started shouting slogans in support of Pratibha Singh. The carcade was allowed to move after Police's intervention. The race for Chief Minister has begun in the Congress party after it claimed victory in Himachal Pradesh Assembly Elections 2022. Congress won the elections with 40 seats. Who Will Be New Himachal Pradesh CM? State Congress Chief Pratibha Singh Says 'Party Cannot Neglect Former Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh’s Family'.

Watch: Himachal Pradesh Congress Chief Pratibha Singh’s Supporters Block Chhattisgarh CM Bhupesh Baghel’s Carcade in Shimla

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