Television actor Vishal Singh, known for his role in Saath Nibhaana Saathiya and Union Minister Chirag Paswan recently shared glimpses of their time in Paris. Vishal posted a photo on Instagram, posing in a white bathrobe with the Eiffel Tower in the background, captioned “Bonjour Paris.” Chirag Paswan also shared a photo on his Instagram story, dressed in a black shirt, smiling for the camera. While both seem to be in Paris, it’s unclear if they were there at the same time. In September 2024, Vishal celebrated his birthday with a grand party attended by Chirag, further fuelling their BFF status. 18th Lok Sabha Session: Union Minister Chirag Paswan and BJP MP Kangana Ranaut Share Candid Moment Outside Parliament (See Pics and Videos).

Vishal Singh's Pic on Instagram


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Chirag and Vishal's Pics From Paris

Chirag Paswan Attends Vishal Singh's Birthday Party

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