An incident has surfaced from Uttar Pradesh’s Kanpur Dehat where a man who had allegedly molested and harassed a woman sitting in an auto faced ramifications. The woman took it upon herself to get justice as she brutally thrashed the molester with her slippers. The video of the incident which has gone viral shows her grabbing the man by his collar as she unleashes an attack on the man. The woman can be seen using her slipper to brutally beat up the man while grabbing him by his collar. The commotion can be seen resulting to a crowd gathering around the woman and the man. After the video went viral, the police came forward to inform that the concerned officials have been instructed to take necessary action in the pertaining case and file a complaint. Viral Video: Girl Jumps off Speeding Autorickshaw To Escape Molestation Bid in Aurangabad, Terrifying CCTV Footage Surfaces

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