In a shocking incident that took place in Uttar Pradesh, a youth was allegedly thrashed by a man with a belt in Moradabad. A video of the incident has gone viral on social media. In the 8-second video clip, a man can be seen thrashing a youth with belt on Padmavat train in Moradabad. According to reports, the incident took place on Padmavat train which was going to Pratapgarh. Reportedly, the youth was beaten with belt after being accused of theft. After a video of the incident went viral, the Moradabad police said that charges under relevant sections have been registered at Police Station GRP Moradabad in the said matter. Uttar Pradesh Shocker: Landlord Kills PhD Scholar, Chops His Body Into Four Pieces in Ghaziabad; Arrested.

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Moradabad Police Respond To Viral Video:

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