Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini on Thursday, August 8, announced that Indian wrestler Vinesh Phogat will be treated as a medalist. In a post on X, CM Saini said Phogat will receive all rewards and facilities that the Haryana government provides to a silver medalist. "Our brave daughter of Haryana, Vinesh Phogat, performed brilliantly and entered the finals of the Olympics. Due to some reasons, she may not have been able to play the final of the Olympics but she is a champion for all of us," Saini said. "Our government has decided that Vinesh Phogat will be welcomed and felicitated as a medalist. All the respect, rewards and facilities that the Haryana government gives to the Olympic silver medalist will be gratefully given to Vinesh Phogat as well," he further announced. Phogat, who had secured at least a silver, was disqualified from the women's 50kg event at the Paris Olympics 2024 on August 7. Following the heartbreaking disqualification, Phogat announced her retirement. Vinesh Phogat Appeals to CAS over Disqualification from Women's 50 Kg Final at Paris Olympics 2024.
Vinesh Phogat To Get All Rewards and Facilities That Haryana Govt Provides to Silver Medalist, Announces CM Saini
हरियाणा की हमारी बहादुर बेटी विनेश फौगाट ने ज़बरदस्त प्रदर्शन करके ओलंपिक में फाइनल में प्रवेश किया था। किन्हीं भी कारणों से वो भले ही ओलंपिक का फाइनल नहीं खेल पाई हो लेकिन हम सबके लिए वो एक चैंपियन है।
हमारी सरकार ने ये फैसला किया है कि विनेश फौगाट का स्वागत और अभिनंदन एक…
— Nayab Saini (@NayabSainiBJP) August 8, 2024
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