On Sunday, the Uttar Pradesh police shared a heartwarming vide of a dog named 'Johny', who played a key role and helped the police solve a murder case. "Saluting Johny, our #K9 officer who played a ‘claw-some’ role in solving a blind murder mystery of a minor in Kasganj within 48 hours," the Uttar Pradesh police said. The UP police also said that the ace detective not only reached the killers but he also tracked a looted tractor parked 22 kms away. "A ‘dogged’ detection!," the UP police said. Dog Attack in Haryana: Woman Receives 50 Stitches After Pitbull Attacks Her and Two Children in Rewari.
Dog Solves Blind Murder Mystery of a Minor
A ‘dogged’ detection!
Saluting Johny, our #K9 officer who played a ‘claw-some’ role in solving a blind murder mystery of a minor in Kasganj within 48 hours.
Not only did the ace detective reach the killers but tracked a looted tractor parked 22 kms away.#Pawsome#FineK9 pic.twitter.com/nKDCYiGUoQ
— UP POLICE (@Uppolice) October 16, 2022Blind murder mystery
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