In an shocking incident reported from Tuticorin in Tamil Nadu, two men forcibly cut the hair of a transgender woman after assaulting her. The two accused taunted the victim who was sitting with another transgender woman. In a video shared on social media, one of the accused is seen cutting the victim’s hair with a razor. The other accused is seen throwing the lock of hair on the ground. The video went viral on social media after trans rights activist Grace Banu tweeted them on Wednesday. Tamil Nadu police have identified both the victim and the accused and have initiated legal proceedings. Haryana Shocker: Woman Kicked Off Train After Fighting Off Sex Assault Bid in Fatehbad, Accused Arrested
Watch Video of Transgender Woman Being Assaulted:
When this kind of violence going to end .When Cis people face this same kind of violence I am surely says you people not keeping this kind of silence .my community persons facing this kind of violence everyday
— GRACE BANU (@thirunangai) October 12, 2022
Tamil Nadu Police Launch Investigation:
We have identified the persons including the victims in this video and are taking legal action in this regard.
— Tamil Nadu Police (@tnpoliceoffl) October 13, 2022
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