A video has surfaced from Madhya Pradesh’s Shahdol which shows two school students fetching a bucket-full of water to a government school. Even though the bucket seems too heavy for the little girls to lift yet they are engaged in the laborious task. The video has gone viral on social media. According to reports, the incident took place in Budhar development block of Damoh district in Madhya Pradesh. Reports said that the teacher orders that the children have to fill water every day before attending the classes. Following the order of their teachers, every day the girl students fill water in a large plastic bucket from a hand pump located at some distance from the school. Madhya Pradesh: Teacher Suspended After He Asks 10-Year-Old Tribal Student To Take Off Her Dirty Uniform in Shahdol; Probe Ordered
Watch Viral Video:
Shahdol News : शहडोल के प्राथमिक स्कूल में कक्षा में जाने से पहले छात्राओं को भरना पड़ता है पानी#Shahdolschool #MP pic.twitter.com/q7WkXHFuhr
— NaiDunia (@Nai_Dunia) December 20, 2022
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