In an unfortunate incident in Bihar’s Chhapra, a retired professor identified as Ranjay Singh suddenly suffered a heart attack, after which he died. He was addressing devotees from the stage when he suffered a heart attack which resulted in him collapsing on stage and dying. Though it remains unclear when did the incident take place. As soon as he fell there was a ruckus on the stage. In a hurry, the members of the committee took him to Chapra Sadar Hospital, and thought him unconscious, where the doctors declared him brought dead. Doctors told that Rananjay Singh died soon after a heart attack. The video of the incident has gone viral on social media. Humanity Is Still Alive! Man Collapses After Heart Attack at Bantwal Railway Station, Kannada Lecturer Gives Her Train a Miss and Save His Life
Retired Professor Collapses And Dies on Stage:
VIDEO: हनुमान जयंती पर मंच से दे रहे थे भाषण, अचानक आया हार्ट अटैक; रिटायर्ड प्रोफेसर की मौत
— NDTV India (@ndtvindia) October 23, 2022
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