Assam Chief Minister and BJP leader Himanta Biswa Sarma on Tuesday, May 28, shared a video of Odisha counterpart Naveen Patnaik. In the video, Naveen Patnaik is seen addressing an election rally while one of his hands is shaking. The video further shows Patnaik's aide and BJD leader VK Pandian grabbing the Chief Minister's trembling hand and trying to hide it from public view. As the video is going viral on social media platforms, Patnaik said the BJP discussing his hands won't work. "I believe the BJP, which is known to make non-issues into issues, are discussing my hands. This will certainly not work," Patnaik said in a video message. Odisha Assembly Elections 2024: CM Naveen Patnaik Files Nomination Papers From Hinjili Assembly Constituency (Watch Video).

Viral Video Showing Naveen Patnaik's Hand Shaking on Stage:

Naveen Patnaik Reacts to Viral Video:

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