Armed miscreants carried out a robbery at Bharat Petroleum located on the Indore-Khandwa road on Thursday late night. Police said three persons on a bike fired in the air and robbed petrol pump employees of Rs 30,000 in the Simrol area. The accused also thrashed the petrol pump employees before snatching the cash from them. The incident was captured on CCTV and has now gone viral. In the now-viral CCTV footage, one can see the three accused reaching the petrol pump on a bike. The CCTV footage shows that it was dark and as soon as they arrive the scene, they start beating up the staffers and fired shots in air. They fired to intimidate the petrol pump staffers and also snatched the bag full of money from their possession. Police are yet to identify the accused even after 24 hours of the incident. Colombian Judge Shows Up Half Naked and Smoking in Bed During Zoom Court Hearing; Gets Suspended (Watch Viral Video)
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इंदौर के पास सिमरोल में पेट्रोल पंप पर लूट, बदमाशों ने किए फायर
— NaiDunia (@Nai_Dunia) November 25, 2022
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