Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami, on Thursday, November 23, spoke to Gabbar Singh Negi and Saba Ahmed, two of the 41 workers trapped in the tunnel under construction in Silkyara, Uttarkashi. During his conversation, Pushkar Singh Dhami inquired about the workers' well-being in the Silkyara tunnel. He also informed them about the rescue operation going on quickly to get them out safely. A heartwarming video of Dhami speaking to the workers trapped in the tunnel has also gone viral on social media. Uttarkashi Tunnel Collapse: PM Narendra Modi Speaks to Uttarakhand CM Pushkar Singh Dhami, Takes Stock of Rescue Operation of 41 Workers Trapped in Silkyara Tunnel.
Dhami Speaks to Trapped Workers
#WATCH | Uttarakhand CM Pushkar Singh Dhami had a conversation with Gabbar Singh Negi and Saba Ahmed, the workers trapped in the tunnel under construction in Silkyara, Uttarkashi, to inquire about their well-being and also informed them about the rescue operation going on at a… pic.twitter.com/uBqGQMppVV
— ANI (@ANI) November 23, 2023
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