In a shocking incident in Uttar Pradesh, a woman escaped unhurt as a goods train passed over her after she fell on a railway track in Mathura. A video of the incident has also surfaced online. A journalist who shared the video on X (formerly Twitter) said that soon after the woman fell on the railway track, an army special goods train arrived. To save herself, the woman lay down in the middle of the track as the goods train passes over her. In the end, officials are seen stopping the train and rescuing the woman. It is reported that the incident took place on Monday morning, January 6, at around 11 AM at Mathura Junction railway station. Mathura: Silver Idols, Plates Stolen From Temple at BJP Leader Pradeep Goswami’s House in Uttar Pradesh, Case Registered.

Woman Escapes Unhurt After Train Runs Over Her in Mathura

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