In a shocking incident reported from Barabanki in Uttar Pradesh, two kids from minority community were tied to tree and thrashed over allegations of molestation. According to police, the incident happened on January 29. The victims Shadab and Shakeel had gone to the village to collect fodder for their goats. As they were returning home, they were suddenly intercepted by Triloki and his sons – Sonu and Suraj – who tied them to a tree and started beating them with sticks. In the video, the man can also be heard using Islamophobic slurs as he continuously beat up the children with kicks and punches. Police registered an FIR and arrested Triloki in the matter whereas 2 others are still absconding. Viral Video of Naked Woman Ringing Doorbells and Knocking People's Doors in Night Creates Panic in Rampur Village, Police Launch Probe.

Kids Thrashed in Barabanki (Disturbing Video):

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