A clash broke out between two groups over a land dispute triggering tension in purev village of Jalalpur police station area in Uttar Pradesh’s Jaunpur. The video of the fight has surfaced on social media. In the viral video, the two groups attacking each other with full force in broad daylight. After the video went viral, the Jaunpur Police also took cognisance and tweeted about the same saying that the authorities have taken preventive measures in the case. The Police also wrote that both the parties who were seen resorting to violence at the scene of crime have been booked. Uttar Pradesh: Man Performs Dangerous Stunts on Bike in Sitapur, Police Launch Probe After Video Goes Viral.
Watch Video of Clash Over Land Dispute in Jaunpur:
सन्दर्भित प्रकरण के सम्बन्ध में थाना जलालपुर पर दोनों पक्षों की तहरीर के आधार पर मुकदमा पंजीकृत किया गया है, अग्रिम विधिक कार्यवाही की जा रही है।
— Jaunpur police (@jaunpurpolice) March 12, 2023
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