In Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, a heart-wrenching video has surfaced showing an autorickshaw driver deliberately running over helpless puppies in the middle of the road. Reportedly, the horrifying act, captured on CCTV, occurred in the Barra area's I Block. The video depicts the autorickshaw entering a narrow lane where a mother dog and her puppies were seated. While the mother managed to escape, the autorickshaw ran over the small puppies. The Kanpur Police has initiated an investigation into the incident as the disturbing footage circulates widely on social media. Dogs Poisoned, Burned in UP Video: Gorakhpur Trader Poisons Dog, Seven Pups and Then Burns Their Bodies.
Autorickshaw Driver Deliberately Crushes Puppies
कानपुर में इस ऑटो चालक ने जानबूझ कर पिल्लो को रौंद दिया...
— Sumit Sharma (@sumitsharmaKnp) December 9, 2023
Puppies Killed on Kanpur Road
#कानपुर के बर्रा क्षेत्र के आई ब्लॉक से शुक्रवार 8 दिसंबर को यह वीडियो सामने आया है जिसमें एक ऑटो चालक गली में बैठे हुए छोटे-छोटे बेजुबानो पर जानबूझकर गाड़ी चला कर चला जाता हैं जिससे उनकी दर्दनाक मौत हो जाती हैं
— Rishabh Tiwari (@Rishabh70908868) December 9, 2023
Kanpur Police Investigates
प्र0नि0 बर्रा को आवश्यक कार्यवाही हेतु प्रेषित किया गया।
— POLICE COMMISSIONERATE KANPUR NAGAR (@kanpurnagarpol) December 9, 2023
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