A biryani stall operator, Tanveer, in the Shamli district of Uttar Pradesh, has been taken into custody for allegedly feeding non-veg biryani instead of veg biryani to devotees returning from Haridwar after a dip in the Ganga. The four young men from Haryana, who were fed a non-veg chicken biryani by Tanveer, logged a complaint at the local Shamli police station. The police took cognisance of the incident on August 5, 2024, and the police station in charge, Kandhla, has been directed to take necessary legal actions against the biryani seller Tanveer. In the video, Manoj Tyagi, one of the complainants, claimed that there was chicken in the biryani served to him by Tanveer. Uttar Pradesh Shocker: Teenager Tied to Pole, Beaten Over Alleged Theft in Hardoi; Disturbing Video Surfaces.

Chicken Biryani Served to Vegetarian Customers in Shamli, Police Take Action

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