A video from Uttar Pradesh’s Amroha has surfaced on social media which shows a man being saved from coming under the wheels of a running train. In the 28-second-long CCTV footage, railway employees - at the Amroha station- were seen walking on platform when one of them suddenly turned around and saw the man who slipped and fell while trying to board a moving train. He and other people on the platform rushed towards the man to save his life. Palghar: Couple, Three-Month-Old Baby Run Over by Express Train Near Virar Railway Station.
TTE Saves Man’s Life
UP : अमरोहा स्टेशन पर चढ़ती ट्रेन में चढ़ने की कोशिश में बुजुर्ग व्यक्ति घिसट गए। TI कैलाश चंद्र और RPF कॉन्स्टेबल वसीम अहमद ने जान बचाई। #Salute pic.twitter.com/zHkqHZTmRI
— Sachin Gupta (@sachingupta787) March 26, 2023
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