A hidden camera was found in the women’s washroom located near Ganga canal in Muradnagar in Uttar Pradesh’s Ghaziabad. A case has been filed against a priest who allegedly used to watch the CCTV footage on his phone. According to reports, the police have been able to recover the video clips of around 320 women. The incident came to light after a woman and her daughter discovered the camera while changing clothes. The woman filed a complaint with the police and an FIR was registered in the case. Mukesh Goswami, a priest involved in performing religious rituals, allegedly installed cameras in the changing room. He is currently absconding. Uttar Pradesh: Women's Changing Rooms, Other Illegal Shops of Mukesh Goswami Bulldozed in Ghaziabad's Chota Haridwar, Efforts To Nab Mahant Continues (Watch Video).

Priest Booked for Installing Spy Camera in Women’s Washroom

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