In a recent development, several senior BJP leaders in Uttar Pradesh’s Ghaziabad arrived at the Jal Nigam guest house at 9 am on Sunday with the intention of meeting Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. However, they claim that they were denied the opportunity to do so. When they protested citing it as an insult, the District Magistrate responded by stating that the leaders have been served tea and serving them tea was a gesture of respect. Unhappy with this response, the BJP leaders expressed their displeasure by sending Rs 700 in cash along with a letter to the District Magistrate. Uttar Pradesh: BJP Leader Rakesh Rathore’s Sons Beat Up Women, Tear Their Clothes in Sitapur; Probe Launched After Video Goes Viral.
Leaders Send Rs 700 to DM
गाजियाबाद के 12 BJP नेताओं ने चाय के लिए DM को 700 रुपए भेजे हैं।
ये नेता आज CM योगी से मिलने गए थे। वहां DM पर उन्हें अपमानित करने और चाय पिलाकर वापस लौटाने का आरोप है।#Ghaziabad #Up
— Sachin Gupta (@SachinGuptaUP) December 24, 2023
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