A video has surfaced from Uttar Pradesh’s Mathura showing two cops beating up 2 youths. As per the reports, the incident is reported to come under the jurisdiction of the Vrindavan police station area. In the video, a policeman can be seen talking to a man in black and then dragging him away from the crowd. Upon seeing the man getting beaten up by the policemen, his friend can be seen jumping in to question the police action. The policemen, unfazed by the law and order protocol, can be seen beating both men for questioning them. The video also shows one man also dropping to the ground after the police brutally slapped the two men. On seeing the policemen’s actions, the residents in the area couldn’t contain themselves and rushed in to question the police. The victims can also be seen getting up and lashing out at the police as they go on to grab a policeman by his collar. After the video of the incident went viral on social media, the Mathura Police took cognisance of the video and informed that the police have launched an inquiry into the matter and will take necessary actions in the matter. Uttar Pradesh: Cops Thrash Two Youths on Road in Kanpur, Probe Launched After CCTV Video Goes Viral.
Cops Thrash Youth in Mathura:
सम्बन्धित प्रकरण में प्रभारी निरीक्षक वृन्दावन को जाँच कर त्वरित आवश्यक कार्यवाही हेतु अवगत कराया गया ।
— MATHURA POLICE (@mathurapolice) March 4, 2023
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