A car in Shamili, Uttar Pradesh, allegedly collided with a motorcycle, resulting in the immediate death of the rider. The victim, Yogesh, was a cloth merchant from the village of Umrpur, Thana Thana Bhawan, who had a shop in Jalalabad. Following the collision, the car allegedly dragged the motorcyclist a significant distance. In a disturbing turn, police transported the victim's body in an e-rickshaw with his legs hanging out, as seen in a viral video. The footage shows police vehicles and officers at the scene, but there was no ambulance or appropriate vehicle available for transporting the body. Reacting to the video, Shamli police informed that a case has been registered regarding the incident. Uttar Pradesh Hit-and-Run Case: Toll Booth Worker Critically Injured After Being Struck by Speeding Car on Delhi-Lucknow Highway; Disturbing Video Surfaces.
Body Transported in E-Rickshaw With Legs Hanging Out (Disturbing Video)
— Shamli police (@PoliceShamli) July 30, 2024
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