A businessman in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, was robbed of Rs 1,25,000 from a busy bullion market in broad daylight. The theft was captured on the CCTV camera installed in the neighbourhood, and the footage of the incident is currently doing rounds on the internet since it surfaced online. The footage shows the thieves taking advantage of the bullion trader in the busy market as one of the accused tries to ram the victim with his bicycle, and another one swiftly steals the money kept inside his pocket. The victim was not even aware that the criminals had taken anything from him since they moved so quickly that no one could see them. After performing the theft, the robber instantly fled the area. The victim has now registered a complaint against the theft, and the local police have initiated a probe in the matter. Lucknow: Bikers Rob Woman’s Gold Chain at Gunpoint as She Bravely Confronts the Armed Assailants, CCTV Footage Surfaces.
Thieves Rob Businessman of Rs 1.25 Lakh in Busy Market in Lucknow
गजब दुस्साहस..!
सर्राफ कारोबारी की जेब से दिन दहाड़े ले उड़े 1 लाख 25 हजार।
चौक की सर्राफ बाजार का मामला।#viralvideo #लखनऊ pic.twitter.com/nEjUtCkcIB
— Himanshu Tripathi (@himansulive) November 4, 2023
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