In a shocking incident that took place in Uttar Pradesh, a huge amount of liquor was found in the room of an upper primary government school in Kushinagar. According to reports, the Kushinagar area is adjacent to the Bihar border. Reports also said that the liquor smugglers hid the alcohol in the school. According to reports, 51 cartons of illicit liquor were recovered from the kitchen store of a government school within the limits of Tamkuhiraj police station close to UP-Bihar border. A few days ago, a video of a teacher drinking alcohol in a school had went viral on social media. Video: School Teacher Consumes Alcohol in UP Government School in Hathras; Suspended.
Liquor Found in Room of an Upper Primary School in Kushinagar
कुशीनगर के एक उच्च प्राथमिक विद्यालय के कमरे में भारी मात्रा में शराब मिली। ये इलाका बिहार सीमा से सटा है लिहाजा शराब तस्करों का दुस्साहस देखिए कि विद्यालय में शराब छिपा दी। कुछ दिन पहले एक शिक्षक का स्कूल में शराब पीते वीडियो वायरल हुआ था।
— Ravish Ranjan Shukla (@ravishranjanshu) October 20, 2022
51 Cartons of Illicit Liquor Recovered From Kitchen Store of Government School
In UP's Kushinagar, 51 cartons of illicit liquor was recovered from kitchen store of a government school within limits of Tamkuhiraj police station close to UP-Bihar border.
— Piyush Rai (@Benarasiyaa) October 20, 2022
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