A disturbing incident has surfaced from Banda district in Uttar Pradesh, where a couple was caught on video brutally thrashing a Panchayat secretary. The video, which is rapidly spreading on social media, shows the couple attacking the secretary, identified as Rohit Kumar, outside the Naraini Panchayat building. In the video, the woman can be seen hitting Kumar with her slippers, while her husband pushes him to the ground and assaults him with punches and kicks. The man is also seen holding Kumar by his neck as he lies on the ground, continuing to receive blows from the couple. The assault is believed to have stemmed from a dispute over non-payment of salary. Following the incident, Kumar, who was on government duty at the time of the attack, filed a case against three individuals, including the Panchayat head. He stated in his complaint that he had gone to the village office for some government work on Friday, January 5, when the incident occurred. Kanpur Shocker: Elderly Man Stuffed in Cardboard Box, Thrown Into Drain, Dies; Disturbing Video Surfaces.
Panchayat Secretary Thrashed in Banda
— Banda Police (@bandapolice) January 7, 2024
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