A terrifying incident was caught on camera in Uttar Pradesh's Varanasi on Monday after a 4-year-old child fell into a pit filled with rainwater on a busy road. The child was electrocuted as current flowed through the water from a nearby electric line. Some onlookers tried to rescue the toddler physically but failed as they also suffered electric shocks. In the end, an elderly man was able to drag the kid out of the water with the help of a wooden stick. The incident was recorded on the CCTV camera installed in the locality, a clip of which is currently doing rounds on the internet. Andhra Pradesh Shocker: Boy Succumbs to Electric Shock During Ganesh Immersion, Video Surfaces.
Child Electrocuted on Busy Road in Varanasi
➡सड़क पर पसरे पानी में उतरा करंट
➡करंट की चपेट में आया 4 वर्षीय बालक
➡बीच सड़क पर तड़पता रहा बच्चा, देखते रहे राहगीर
➡बच्चे को बचाने का बुजुर्ग ने उठाया जहमत
➡बुजुर्ग ने सूझबूझ के साथ बच्चे को बचाया
➡कुशलता से निकाले जाने का वीडियो सीसीटीवी में कैद… pic.twitter.com/tbiXWjuLTO
— भारत समाचार | Bharat Samachar (@bstvlive) September 26, 2023
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