Multiple videos of melted railway tracks in Uttar Pradesh's Lucknow have gone viral on social media. Reportedly, a major train accident is said to be averted at the Nigohan railway station in Lucknow when the railway tracks on the loop line melted due to intense heat. The incident is said to have taken place on Saturday. According to a report in India Today, the incident took place when the Nilanchal Express train is said to have passed through the loop line instead of the main line, thus causing the railway tracks to melt and spread. Meanwhile, the Divisional Railway Manager (DRM) of Lucknow has ordered an inquiry in connection with the matter. Heatstroke Death in Uttar Pradesh: UP Government Orders Probe Into Reports of 44 Deaths Due to Heats Stroke in Ballia.
Railway Tracks in Lucknow Melts After Train Passes
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Rail track of loopline at Nigohan railway station in #Lucknow district bends like spaghetti due to extreme #Summer heat.
Today, alert loco pilot of Neelanchal express passed over the track with slow pace.
— Arvind Chauhan (@Arv_Ind_Chauhan) June 17, 2023
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