Trinamool Congress MP Mahua Moitra has been caught on camera using unparliamentary word in Lok Sabha. A video clip is being circulated on social media in which Mahua Moitra is seen using "harami" word in Parliament. The incident took place on Tuesday (February 7) during discussion on motion of thanks on the President's address. She used the offensive word when TDP MP K Ram Mohan Naidu was speaking. After her video went viral, #Harami is trending on Twitter with a section of people slamming Moitra for using the derogatory word during a discussion in the lower house of Parliament. Who Is ‘Pappu’ Now: TMC MP Mahua Moitra’s Jibe at Centre in Parliament Over Fall in Industrial Output, Other Indicators.
Mahua Moitra Caught on Camera Using Unparliamentary Word:
TMC MP Mahua Moitra heard using unparliamentary language in the House as TDP MP K Ram Mohan Naidu speaks in Lok Sabha during the Motion of Thanks on the President's Address
— ANI (@ANI) February 7, 2023
Mahua Moitra Caught on Camera Using 'Harami" Word in Parliament:
Mahua Moitra saying "Harami" inside parliament.
— Facts (@BefittingFacts) February 7, 2023
Mahua Moitra Slammed for Using 'Harami" Word in Parliament:
#Harami New Low of Indian Politics.
— V K Sharma (@VKSharma_62) February 8, 2023
#Harami @MahuaMoitra needs to be dismissed from the parliament and her membership as an MP needs to be revoked! Like Ilhan Omar
— Joana (@joana58185712) February 8, 2023
West Bangal was earlier known for it's Mishti Language, then #MahuaMoitra came....
Terribly-Missing Culture (TMC)🤦♂️#Harami
Waiting for @rautsanjay61 ji to elaborate it in his own style....
— प्रशांत भारती 🇮🇳 🥰⤵️ (@Bhart09) February 8, 2023
Mahua Moitra Speaks Out on Allegation:
#WATCH | I'm surprised BJP is teaching us parliamentary etiquette. That representative from Delhi heckled me...I'll call an apple an apple, not an orange...if they'll take me to the privileges committee, I'll put my side of the story...: TMC MP Mahua Moitra on her language in LS
— ANI (@ANI) February 8, 2023
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