In a shocking incident that took place in West Bengal, Trinamool Congress member of Parliament (MP) Sunil Kumar Mondal allegedly assaulted a toll plaza employee who was performing his duties at the toll plaza in the state. The incident took place on Thursday in West Bengal’s East Burdwan district. A video of Mondal allegedly assaulting the toll plaza staff has gone viral on social media. The 1-minute 7-second video clip shows a toll plaza employee stopping Mondal's car. As the video moves further, Sunil Kumar Mondal can be seen getting out of his car and then pushing and assaulting the toll plaza staff. Reports state that the toll plaza employee has been fired from his job. After the incident came to light, the TMC MP said, "I pushed him and asked him whether he recognised me. I never thrashed him. I am repentant. I am hurt with what happened." West Bengal Panchayat Elections 2023: Trinamool Congress Leader Shot Dead in South 24 Parganas District, Pre-Poll Death Toll Rises to 12.
TMC MP Assaults Toll Plaza Employee
An employee was assaulted while performing his duties at the toll plaza ! For his crime, he blocked the MP's car. At first he was pushed and fired from his job.#TMC MP Sunil Mondal forgot there is CCTV.
Then Member of parliament says that the boy is illiterate and drunk!
— Vijay (@Comrade__Vijay) August 4, 2023
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