Trinamool Congress leader and RTI activist Saket Gokhale on Thursday filed a complaint against the organisaers and speakerrs of "Dharma Sansad" organised in Uttarakhand's Haridwar at Ved Niketan Dham from December 17 to 20. The event was organised by Yati Narsinghanand Giri. Prabodhanand Giri, BJP Mahila Morcha Leader Udita Tyagi and BJP leader Ashwini Upadhyay attended the event. Gokhale, in a tweet said, "I've filed a complaint with SHO, Jwalapur PS in Haridwar against the #HaridwarHateAssembly conducted from 17th-20th December at Ved Niketan Dham. Failing the registration of an FIR against the organizers & speakers in 24 hrs, a plaint shall be made to the Judicial Magistrate."
Tweet By Sanket Gokhale:
I've filed a complaint with SHO, Jwalapur PS in Haridwar against the #HaridwarHateAssembly conducted from 17th-20th December at Ved Niketan Dham.
Failing the registration of an FIR against the organizers & speakers in 24 hrs, a plaint shall be made to the Judicial Magistrate.
— Saket Gokhale (@SaketGokhale) December 23, 2021
Here Is The Video Of The "Dharam Sansd":
Anand Swaroop Maharaj "If the governments do not listen to our demand (He means establishment of a Hindu Rashtra through violence against minorities), we will wage a war far scarier than the 1857 revolt."
No sedition? #HaridwarHateAssembly
— Mohammed Zubair (@zoo_bear) December 22, 2021
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